Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wakey! Wakey! This Is Your Nine O'Clock Alarm Call!

The New York Stock Exchange lost nearly 10% of its value in the past 2 days due to the ongoing effects of the subprime mortgage meltdown and its attendant effects on the entire banking structure of our country. How could this happen? Deregulation has once again come home to roost.

And now Sen. John McCain, who for the better part of 26 years has called himself a "de-regulator," says HE's the one with the knowledge and expertise to straighten out Wall Street, end unconscionable greed in America and get our economy back on track. And oh, by the way, he wants to privatize Social Security. That means taking all the money currently in the hands of the Social Security Administration and putting it into the SAME stock market.

Talk about your Social Insecurity!

I cannot believe that anyone who is paying attention to the issues is still even contemplating casting a vote for McCain. Are that many people so stupid and self-destructive? Or are America's problems with continued racism far worse than I want to believe? Or some of each?

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