Monday, September 29, 2008

Summon Your Creative Muse

People For The American Way has started a haiku contest. The winners will submit, in the proper 5-7-5 syllable format, haiku best describing the McCain-Palin ties to the far right, the issues at stake in this election, or what their election would mean for the Supreme Court should they [shudder--Ed.] win in November. Contest winners will be announced October 27th, and the winning entries will also be published in The Nation.

To submit an entry (up to three are allowed per person), or to get more details, go to:

I have submitted my three entries, but I have to confess, my creative muse is more like Weird Al than Ogden Nash. That is to say, I do better with songs than with poetry.

To honor my musical muse, here is my entry into my own personal Skewer-the-Candidates contest. It is to be sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques."

Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin
Cooks moose stew
Eats it too
Rocky begged you not to
Bullwinkle's hiding from you
Moose pot au feu?
Shame on you!

If you can come up with anything better [and I am certain you can--Ed.], post it as a comment to this post of mine. I promise not to delete anything on the basis of whom or what it skewers. All I ask is that you be witty as opposed to going for cheap, potty humor.

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