Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Piranha Brothers Have Nothing On John McCain

I want to make sure I understand this: John McCain says the tone of his campaign against Barack Obama would have been different if only Obama had agreed to appear with him in several "town hall" style debates throughout the country.

So McCain wouldn't be spreading sleazy lies about Obama if only Obama had given in to McCain's demand that Obama agree to appear repeatedly in McCain's preferred campaign forum.

So McCain is both: (1) blaming the victim; and (2) committing extortion, pure and simple. This makes him of the cool and mature judgment to be the president exactly how?

And just when I think things couldn't possibly get any worse . . .

McCain's chosen VP candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has no real idea what the Bush Doctrine is. [People who are calling what Charlie Gibson asked her about that a "gotcha" question are missing the point. Her understanding of the Bush Doctrine is essential to our understanding of her foreign policy positions.--Ed] But her state's proximity to Russia makes her a foreign policy expert and ready to take over the presidency on a moment's notice. Right.

I'm still offering to sell that lovely bridge--you know, the one in Brooklyn--all you have to do is make an offer!

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