Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Real" IRA? Give Me A Break!

I have listened with dismay to the news reports since Sunday of renewed violence in Northern Ireland. These acts of terrorism--let's call them what they are--are being claimed by the self-styled "Real IRA," an offshoot of the Irish Republican Army that refuses to recognize the peace accords that have been in place for a decade now.

I submit that the "IRA" in "Real IRA" actually stands for "Idiotic Republican Army." What is WRONG with these people? There is peace in Ulster for the first time in my memory, progress is being made on the political front, and these bozos are trying to muck it up.

I know. They are like spoiled 3-year-old boys who are mad that they are not the center of everyone's attention. Not unlike Kim Jung Il in North Korea. Nor any number of other idiots and petty despots all over the globe.

I hope the spokesmen in Northern Ireland and Britain who have said the peace process is too far along for these spasms of violence to derail them are correct. The last thing the world needs is more trouble.

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