Monday, May 26, 2008

Margaritaville This Ain't

This year's hot trend in beer is adding a touch of genuine lime flavor to one's brew. Corona commercials for several months have been showing Corona bottles with a real wedge of lime in their openings; Miller Lite has been advertising its "Chill" beer (lime flavor and a hint of salt flavor added) since at least February; Budweiser recently released Bud LIght Lime with a flurry of ads on TV sporting events.

I am glad that one series of those ads has already died and been yanked off the air--at least, off the air of the channels I watch. These are the ads wherein an oversized lime with human arms and legs--and no head--breakdances (among other things). Creepy!

The only time fruit should be dancing is when it's in Carmen Miranda's [or Bugs Bunny's when dressed as Carmen Miranda--Ed.] hat.

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