Monday, September 25, 2006

Misuse Of Logic III

[Now that I have a trilogy, I ought to get a movie deal.--Ed.]

I heard just a few moments ago that Dubya is challenging the collective conclusion of the heads of the 16 involved intelligence agencies that the US invasion of Iraq has made us less safe, not more safe. What he said, as aired in the snippet of his speech shown on the NBC Nightly News, was "I've heard this theory that everything was fine until we went into Iraq."

Whoa, Nelly!

That is NOT what the intelligence report concluded. No one ever said everything was fine until we went into Iraq. Good Lord! One does not have to be a biblical scholar to know that various factions in the Middle East [I nearly just typed "Muddle East," which actually is a more accurate description . . . --Ed.] have been fighting each other for over 5,000 years now.

What the report concluded was that matters now are worse than before our invasion--and that our invasion played a direct role in making those matters worse.

Which leaves me with this question: is Dubya evil (i.e., Machievellian in his misuse of logic), or is he just plain STUPID?

I don't find any comfort in either choice, frankly.

If there's another, more comforting option, please tell me. I am not sure we collectively are going to survive until we can throw the bums out in 2008.


Anonymous said...

Evil or Stupid? Who says he can't be both at the same time?

Eclectic Iconoclast said...

Ooh! Now that is profound!

I usually don't fall into the "either/or" trap, but in this instance, I was thinking that if someone were truly stupid, he'd not have the mental capacity to be evil . . . but that isn't necessarily so, is it?

To whom (a screen name is more than adequate if you do not care to leave your given name) do I owe this eye- and brain-opening observation?