Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Discovery Channel's Greatest American: Update

Well, it's now down to the top 5 in the Discovery Channel's search for "the Greatest American."

In alphabetical order, the top 5 are: Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and George Washington.

Everybody sing along: "One of these things is not like the others, . . ."

Dubya was said to be # 6. Gag me with a spoon!

Elvis was in the top 10 . . . and Walt Disney was ranked way ahead of John F. Kennedy in the top 25.

As I said earlier, many people do not seem to grasp the concept of "greatness." They're voting for some personal favorite, not for whom has done the most good for America. There is no other reason for Dubya to be anywhere on the top 100, and certainly no reason for Ronald McD--oops! I mean--Reagan to be in the top 5.

After all, Ann Coulter is defending both of them. Res ipsa loquitur.

In any event, the phone numbers with which you can vote (up to three times per week) have changed. To vote for Lincoln, call (toll free) 1-866-669-3103.

You can also vote online. Go to and click just beneath Lincoln's picture. You can cast up to 3 votes per week by this method in addition to your telephone votes.

You can also get information at that web site on how to vote (again, up to 3 times per week in addition to the other methods) via text messaging. I am afraid I do not have a phone that text messages, so I neglected that. Mea culpa!

This is important, everyone--don't let the idiots and ideologues have their way. Cast serious votes for a proper candidate!

The final results are to be tabulated and revealed live on the Discovery Channel next Sunday, June 26th, at 9 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Central time.

Remember: vote early, and often!

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