Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One Quick Question

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has raised a loud voice decrying the lack of federal involvement and initiative in cleaning up the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the oil spill that is now fouling Louisiana's precious and fragile coastal marshlands. Governor Jindal is a Republican. Governor Jindal delivered the GOP response to President Obama's first address to Congress after Obama's election (the non-State-of-the-Union State of the Union speech). Governor Jindal in that response decried the overreaching scope of federal government and said we need less government in our lives, not more.

What's wrong with this picture?


Anonymous said...

Actually, Governor Jindal went even further than that in his response speech. He specifically used the response to Katrina as an example of the inability of the Federal government to handle disasters, and strongly implied that the state government and the private sector ought to handle disaster response.

"Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."

Eclectic Iconoclast said...

Thanks for the detailed reinforcement, MMS (is that OK, or is there a different acronym you'd prefer?). My response to Jindal's claim about the lack of response to Katrina is simply this: the only time you get crappy government is when you put people in charge of it who say government is the bad guy. They have a point to prove, so they will make government as inefficient and corrupt as possible, merely to justify their philosophical posture.

What really fried me this afternoon is that some GOP senators are decrying Obama's "arrogance" in his attitude toward them, especially since he made all the noise about bipartisanship but has passed only purely partisan legislation. Again, I--rhetorically--ask: what's wrong with this picture?