Saturday, May 16, 2009

Really Unclear On The Concept

So the GOP is trying to change the subject--again. Instead of recognizing that "who knew what, when" is a problem for the entire country when it comes to waterboarding, Republicans in Congress are trying to taint Democrats with the same dirty brush. "They knew and they did nothing, so leave us alone!" seems to be the gist of their defense and their justification for what truly is unjustifiable.

News flash: this is NOT about partisan politics. It is about the good of the entire nation. As far as I'm concerned, any Democrats who knew that waterboarding was going on and who did nothing about it are just as guilty as the Dubya Administration toadies who authorized it and used it. Those Democrats, too, should be punished for their transgressions of the law and of treaties to which the US is a signatory.


So stop trying to change the subject; stop trying to skew the discussion; stop trying to argue that since "everybody else knew," it's not wrong. Face up to facts, and let all the facts come out. And let EVERYBODY who shares responsibility face the consequences of their actions--or non-actions, as the case may be.


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