Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hooray For America!

Election Day is finally here--and it looks as if, for the first time in a LONG time, turnout will be high. Hooray for America! My personal political choices are clear. Above and beyond anything else, however, whether people agree with me or not, I want them to participate. For whom you vote is not as important to me as it is that you vote.

[Of course I'm presuming you've paid attention and are casting an intelligent vote, but that still doesn't mean you must agree with me on the issues. Agree with me only that paying attention and casting your ballot are what matters. That's all I ask.--Ed.]

It seems appropriate, somehow, that today is also Walter Cronkite's ninety-second birthday. Happy Birthday, Most Trusted Newscaster In America! Many, many happy returns! Mr. Cronkite is the embodiment of responsible journalism. In all the years he anchored the CBS Evening News, no one who did not know him personally had any idea what his personal political proclivities were. After he stepped down [was it 1981? Has it really been a generation? Tempus Fugit.--Ed.], I for one was delighted to learn that his personal politics were more "liberal" than I has suspected. Even if that were not true, I'd still say he is a totally "class act," and deserves our collective approbation. Just don't put 92 candles on the cake, or there will be a fire hazard!

On a more personal (and sadder) note, today is also the 6th anniversary of the day I had to have my beloved calico cat Gewürzchen euthanized. She had a malignant tumor in her jaw that grew from nothing to the size of a golf ball in 10 days . . . she was in a lot of pain, and the vet told me even surgery would not guarantee a cure. She'd never be able to eat solid food again, and there was no way to know whether the tumor would return. I know I did the right thing, but I still miss her. She was a sweet if skittish kitty. I hope she is resting in peace and comfort.

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