It's called having your cake and eating it, too--and the GOP has taken that talent to previously unimagined levels of hypocrisy.
I see that Ann Coulter has been spouting filth at official GOP functions again. She called John Edwards a faggot at the GOP C-PAC fund-raiser last week. There was a great deal of consternation amongst the talking heads to the effect that it's way past time the GOP ought to renounce any claims to her and her obnoxious ideas. So I am again going to rail against fuzzy thinking.
The GOP is never going to renounce Coulter. This way, the party officially can say "tsk tsk" and "isn't that awful" . . . while at the very same time getting the support of the ignorant bigots to whom she appeals. So everyone who presses the GOP to renounce her, denounce her, and otherwise dilute her venom is going to lose. (Hence their fuzzy thinking in trying to press the GOP to do so anyway.)
This GOP behavior is worse than gross. It's truly heinous.
But it won't change. Look how long the GOP has used Roe v. Wade to whip up frenzy amongst the cultural conservatives. They'll never really push or pack the Supreme Court to overturn it. It's too useful a tool right where it is. It gives them an instant issue that gets people's minds off the real scandals of the day, like the illegal outing of Valerie Plame and the fact that Dubya has no intention of living up to his administration's oft-repeated promise to can anyone involved with that particular bit of skullduggery. Like the entire war in Iraq. Like letting al Quaida reestablish itself in Afghanistan. Like the mess with the conditions at Walter Reed--and most probably every other stateside military health-care facility that's on the base closing list. Like the administration's efforts to get everyone frothing at the mouth about the risks to us from Iran, so that we have an excuse to invade Tehran, too.
I could continue. But it's just too depressing. I'd go on a chocolate binge, but then I could be accused of trying to have my cake and eat it, too. So Ill just soak my head. Calgon, take me away!
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