Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Abominable Snowman Cometh

Let's face it: Dubya is abominable, and he's coming to give us a snow job in his State of the Union address this-coming Tuesday. I apologize to the ghost of Eugene O'Neill for any hint of any reference to his play The Iceman Cometh.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has noticed that Dubya still behaves like a college frat boy. He says and does whatever the heck he wants, and he gets away with it all--so long as no grown ups are watching. Even when grown ups are watching, he still tries to bluff or bully his way through to getting what he wants as opposed to doing the right thing. [Not that Congress consists of grown ups. It's just that now the Democrats have the majority, Dubya cannot proceed with total impunity.--Ed.]

I saw Sen. George McGovern on one of the late-night news shows earlier this week (I want to say it was Nightline, but I don't think that's correct). His plan for what to do about Iraq strikes me as being eminently sensible. First, don't put even more of our youth in harm's way. Too many have died or been maimed already. Second, implement a timeline for a phased withdrawal. Third, carry it out. The only way the Iraqis are going to take charge of and responsibility for what's happening in their country is if they no longer have us around to be the "one-size-fits-all" scapegoat.

But Dubya still thinks the Iraqis owe us a debt of gratitude. Of course, he also thinks he's going down in history as being a much better president than contemporary opinion polls would suggest. I'll bet he's actually glad he's never been a student of history, for his lack of knowledge allows him to wallow in his delusions. I don't care what he thinks: Dubya is NO Harry Truman.

Which leads me to suggest why Harry Truman's grave in Independence, Missouri is not covered with snow and ice right now, despite the winter weather. Harry is so ticked off at Dubya's misappropriation of Harry's image that he's steaming mad!

I don't blame him.

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