Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Where Is Steven Spielberg When We Need Him?

One of the Omaha area's local recreational lakes made the news today. Zorinsky lake, named for the late Nebraska US Senator (and erstwhile mayor of Omaha) Edward Zorinsky, is one of the more popular fishing and boating sites in the metro. It also is near quite a bit of the westward suburban housing development the area has experienced of late.

Earlier today, someone who lived near the lake called in a water emergency, telling local fire and rescue personnel that something was floating in the lake, possibly an upside-down boat. Since temperatures were unseasonably warm today, getting near 80°, and since the day has been rather windy, the rescue personnel responded especially quickly.

What did they find? Wait for it . . .

A near life-sized inflatable shark water toy. Speculation has it that the shark was tied to the dock and somehow got loose in the windy conditions. [Do you hear the infamous theme from Jaws? You should!--Ed.]

Must have been a very slow news day.

But hey, all is not lost. This may make "News of the Weird." One can but hope!

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