Wednesday, July 27, 2005

If You're Rummy And You Know It, Raise Your Glass

Please tell me I am not the only person who thinks that Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld's lecturing the Iraqis earlier today on "politics requir[ing] compromise" is hypocritical bordering on ludicrous.

I can see it now--the Iraqis respond by saying that they watch how he and Dubya and all the minions behave in the US domestic political sphere, and inform Rummy that what they are doing is no different.

He then tells them that it is different, because he's just pandering to the extremists in his support base, that it's strictly for domestic consumption, and that when push comes to shove, he will compromise to get even part of his agenda accomplished (for "half a loaf is better than none") . . . and they respond by asking how that differs, exactly, from what they are doing.

Does anyone but me realize that the ironies of this situation are totally lost on the Rummy one?

I have a headache. I am going to take a huge quantity of Motrin (or a good stiff drink) and hide under a large pillow in a dark room. Wake me when the war is over.


Sailing Leeward said...

Yes, K, I do read your blogs. I just wish I had more time to comment.

Gee, are we really surprised the this entire administration could use Janus as their symbol? I think not

Mike E.

Eclectic Iconoclast said...

I am so glad to know someone out there is reading my rantings and ravings! I do appreciate the feedback.

I'd really like to get some constant commentary going--a regular conversation, as it were.

I am not adverse to being shown where I am in error (if I am) or to being given additional information/ideas when they are out there in the ether.

Thank you!