Saturday, February 05, 2005

More Random Observations On The Passing Scene

Sammy Sosa playing for the Baltimore Orioles?!? No one named Caray doing Cubs play-by-play in the WGN TV booth?!?!? What is the world coming to????

Ann Coulter is blond. Res ipsa loquitur.

So far, the news reports about what Condaleeza Rice said about Iran have emphasized that we are not going to attack. Shouldn't they be emphasizing what she added, to wit: "at this time"? (emphasis added)

For Dubya's proposed private investment accounts for Social Security to do as well as the benefit structure currently in place, the economy will have to do so well that we won't need to tweak the Social Security system to protect against the so-called coming catastrophe in the first place. Yet there seems to be a lot of support for Dubya's proposal. Step right up, folks! Smoke and mirrors work as well here as they did for the WMDs in Iraq. And they reflect the truth about as well, too.

Just because someone cannot identify an object flying by doesn't mean that that object necessarily is manned by members of some advanced alien civilization. Heck, we dealt regularly with unidentified frying objects in the high school cafeteria. We never turned into or got eaten by BEMs.

Dogs are pack animals, which crave leadership and tight social structure. Cats are independent and solitary hunters. Neocons love dogs. People who aren't afraid of people who don't think just like they do love cats. As a rule. (There are always exceptions.)

Every state has its own requirements for qualifying for Medicaid. In Nebraska, for example, your income is judged against a master expenses list. Your actual rent is not allowed. If you are paying more than $385/month for your lodgings, only $385 is subtracted from your income to check your qualifications. In other words, you are SOL. One of the Omaha-area Medicaid reps confirmed for me recently that that figure has not been adjusted at all, for inflation or otherwise, since 1985. In 2005, I doubt that you could rent a single garage stall for $385/month or less, let alone an apartment/house. So it becomes virtually impossible, as a practical matter, to qualify for Medicaid. And yet Donald Trump can declare bankruptcy many, many times and he never seems to be living on less than $100,000.00 or more per month.

Just another shining example of my current maxim for life: Them what has, gets; the rest of us get screwed.

What with the federal gov't budget deficits, changes in tax laws to favor the rich, deregulation of securities markets and utilities, and the like, 90% of the wealth in this country is now concentrated in the hands of fewer than 9% of the population. This is the worst it has ever been, even worse than during the 1880s and 90s. I love history, but except for the chance to talk to Mark Twain, I never wanted to live in the Gilded Age!

A friend shrugs his shoulders and says philosophically, "Well, even Rome fell."

OK, but does it have to happen while we're around?

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