Of all the gin joints . . . in all the world, why did [Rumsfeld] have to walk into mine?
I see that Sec'y of Defense Donald Rumsfeld tried to offer information, comfort, and support to our troops in Kuwait who are awaiting further deployment to Iraq. In this observer's not-so-humble opinion, he did not do a very good job. [Yet he is the one Cabinet official Dubya is adamant about keeping. Makes you wonder, I hope.--Ed.]
When asked why the soldiers had to sort through scrap piles to get metal to use as armor-plating for their vehicles, two of the several answers Rummy offered were: (1) you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want; and (2) you can put all the armor in the world on a vehicle and it can be blown up anyway.
>>ahem<< This is leadership?!?!?
I have an acquaintance who considers things like this, shrugs his shoulders and says, "Even Rome declined and fell."
True, but does it have to happen while we are alive?
We can do better, people. We'd better, if we expect to survive the next four years and beyond.
Excuse me, but I am going to go cower in the corner for a while. And maybe have a gin or two. Or three. Or more. I, for one, am afraid. I am very afraid.
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