Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pardon--Your Myopia Is Still Showing

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show today asserted that President George W. Bush would be evaluated better by historians than he is being evaluated today by his fellows. In support, he cited recent events in Iraq, starting with Dubya's putting General Petreaus in charge.

Things have settled down a bit in Iraq of late, true. But Scarborough's myopia is showing: we wouldn't be in a position to have to laud recent improvements had we not invaded in the first place! C'mon, Joe! Get a grip, get real, and get a clue--better yet, take two: they're small.

Extracting us (even a bit) from a mess he put us into in the first place is no great feat warranting the vindication of history. It's just an acknowledgement that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

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